Mike Edwards and Chris Fisher met in 2015 while working to grow what became a nationally known and respected non-profit "Humanizing the Badge." Over the years, they have grown (and shrunk) business together including learning how to grow 6-figure real estate businesses. One night over some good bourbon and conversation (the source of all our best ideas) they got to talking about how crazy it was that they'd found so much success in real estate so quickly.

They attributed the success to their ability to connect and communicate with people easily, skills honed on the streets during their careers as law enforcement officers.

As the two talked, an idea started to form.

They knew that the character traits and skills they used to be successful were not unique to them, and those skills are prevalent in the law enforcement community.
At the time, communities were burning, it was the height of the Defund the Police movement, and police morale was at an all-time low.
They wanted to do something to help, so the idea for the Ten 7 Project was born.

Initially, their goal was to help 1,000 police officers, but as the Project grew, turning away others, like firefighters and veterans didn't sit well with them. So, they modified the mission, made it harder, and the project morphed into the mission it carries today.

The mission of the Ten 7 Project is to help 10,000 cops, veterans and other public safety professionals supplement or replace their income by coaching them through their own real estate businesses.


Fast forward from fall of 2020 to now and the Ten7 Project spans nearly 40 states, some provinces in Canada, and shows no signs of slowing down! With more than 210 active agents we are growing the most notable network of first responders/veterans in the industry!

No agent gets left behind with us as we provide everything someone could need to achieve their goals if they choose this business.

Interested in Becoming One of the 10,000?

The Ten 7 Project is a real estate collaborative effort open to anyone who is now or ever has been a police officer, firefighter, EMT/Paramedic, dispatcher, correctional officer, military member, or any other public safety professional, their families, and anyone who has a history of support for that community. If you are interested in learning more about our complete, proven system and if you'd be a good fit for our organization, please click the button below.